Top 5 Best Abdominal Workouts

For the past week and a half I’ve had stitches which have prevented me from doing ANY ab work. Safe to say i’m going insane.  I’m guilty of sometimes neglecting my middle region, but a solid foundation begins with the core! Simply doing these (or any core) exercises will NOT result in a tight tummy – a lot more goes into achieving the overall goal. A combination of DIET, CARDIO, COMMITMENT, STRENGTH TRAINING and ABDOMINAL EXERCISES will help you achieve your desired results. All of that is way too much for one post, so I’ll be sure to elaborate more in future posts 🙂

Anyway, this is my usual Ab routine:

  1. 75 standard crunches
  2. 50 crunches with twist
  3. 40 dumbbell side bends
  4. 20 leg lifts
  5. 2 minutes of planks
How to:

Standard crunches (works upper abs)
Ah, the most well known and utilized ab exercise. Most people don’t realize that a lot more goes into achieving rock hard abs than merely doing crunches. Yes, you will see results doing these – but not all around! Proper posture, breathing and hand placement are what really attribute to the wonders crunches can do.

Begin by laying on your back, knees bent and hands placed behind your head. Make sure you keep a space between your legs/feet.
Exhale and raise your chest so that your shoulders are above the floor. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
Inhale and slowly lower your body back down to the starting position
*Do NOT use your arms to help lift you, the hands are placed behind the head to support the neck.

Crunches with twist (works abs, obliques)
Lay on your back in the standard crunch position. As you lift up, direct your body to the right – with the goal of your left elbow reaching your right knee –  than rotate towards the center.
Lower your back to the floor and repeat the lift to the left side.
Alternate 25 crunches for each side

Dumbbell side bends (works obliques)
I usually will do these with two 5 lb. weights, but you can use whatever weight you like (the more weight, the higher the resistance!)
Begin by standing, feet shoulder width apart, legs slightly bent and a weight in each hand.
Bend your trunk to the right and hold for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.
Now bend to the left, hold for 2 seconds and return to the center.
Repeat each side alternating 20 times.

Leg lifts (works lower abs)
I have a love-hate relationship with these. They definitely are the most effective in tightening my lower tummy, but man do they burn!!
Begin by laying on your back, raising your legs slightly so they are perpendicular to the floor with knees slightly bent.
Lift your legs upward vertically and hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly swing your legs into the starting position.
Remember, do not let your legs touch the ground! Your are constantly working the lower abdominals throughout the whole exercise.

Plank exercise (works entire core)
These may seem to be relatively easy, but they are a killer! When I’m out of shape and attempt to do planks my entire body shakes and I really feel the burn. This is one of the best all around core workouts and works most of the abdominal muscles.
Begin by laying flat on your stomach, feet touching or no more than an inch apart.
Lift your body on to your forearms and toes, keeping your body straight. Hold for as long as you can, I usually do this in 30 or 60 second intervals.
Don’t let your hips drop or rise! Keep the weight evenly distributed to both arms and remember to BREATH 🙂
I usually do them all in intervals and don’t just bang out 100 at a time, but in alternating repetitions. I continually go from each exercise to the next, stopping for as little as possible in between reps.
My routine usually goes:
20 dumbbell side bends
1 minute of planks
25 standard crunches
25 crunches with twist
10 leg lifts
25 standard crunches
25 crunches with twist
10 leg lifts
25 standard crunches
1 minute of planks
20 dumbbell side bends
Always a work in progress

Some tips and tricks I’d recommend are:

  • Doing core exercises on an empty stomach
  • Listen to an ipod or blast music to make the time go by quicker
  • Wear something comfortable and fitted, so you can actually see what you are working!
  • I also like to watch myself perform exercises in the mirror, so I can see if I have the proper positioning, etc.